Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows Computers, Notebooks, Netbooks and Tablet PCs
Sonovision - Ultrasound Imaging and Study Management Software

 We offer several medical imaging software and hardware solutions according to your business needs 

Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows Computers, Netbooks and Tablet PCs
    Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows Computers, Netbooks and Tablet PCs v1.0
DICOM Viewer for loading Medical Images from Local Computer drive and PACS Server (SCU), Doctor can Pan, Zoom and review DICOM header data using this DICOM Viewer Application

♦ Search in Worklist and Load DICOM Images from PACS Server
♦ Load DICOM Files from Local Computer
♦ Pan or Zoom Images
♦ Browse through Multiple images in DICOM with DICOM Header Data

Minimum Requirements:
Windows XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7

Category: Medical Imaging Workstations   Type: Software

Vendor: Peridot Technologies

Email: support@peridotec.com    Phone: 586-486-3310

Website: http://www.appup.com/applications/applications-Easy+DICOM+Viewer

Package Contents:
Downloadable Software only

Price:  US$ 0.00

Go to download page.Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows Computers, Netbooks and Tablet PCs

TAGS:DICOM Viewer, PACS Workstation, FREE DICOM Viewer

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Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows PCs

Easy DICOM Viewer for Windows PCs

FREE DICOM Viewer Application for Windows PCs, Laptops, Netbooks and Tablets